


Graphic of Ships

Lurrikara Class

This destroyer came right on the heels of the Artzain Battleship. Designed by the same engineer, Beila Elorriaga, its primary functions are firepower and intimidation. (Humans say the ship itself looks like the indigenous bear, while other species are often reminded of the Dah'Screwe.) Slow speed makes battleship and fighter backup necessary.

Type: Lurrikara Class Destroyer
Length: 1.23km
Width: 544m
First Produced: August 2239
Personnel Capacity: 240
Engine Type: 6 Superfusion Mk II, 1 Behemoth Mk I O-Type
Weapons Capabilities: 6 Multidirectional Tower II Cannon Turrets, 6 Omnidirectional Megalith IV Cannons, 4 Omnidirectional Megalith III Cannons, 1 Omnidirectional Supercoil Positron Cannon

Miscellaneous Facts
Scavengers often travel to battlegrounds where a Lurrikara has fallen. Usually, the 'wings' stay in tact, and can easily be turned into a fully functional ship complete with three Megalith IV cannons and one or two of the Superfusion Mk II engines. The 'bear claws' are replaced with bulkhead or a transparent material, and the clamp structure discarded. Pirates pay fortunes for these illegal ships on the black market because of their extreme deadly force.


Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen